Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Blog Post #6

Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture began by expressing the fact that we as people cannot choose the cards we are dealt; however, we can choose in which way to play them. After thoroughly watching Randy's video I gained much respect for this man and realized just what the saying meant to be able to choose how to play the cards dealt to you. The Last Lecture was dedicated to three main point: Randy's childhood dreams, helping others, and lessons learned. There were a few words that Randy stated that really stuck out to me and played a role in all three sections of his video. The first of these words were, "No matter how far fetched your dreams may be, never believe you cannot succeed them." I believe this statement should be taught and instilled in every student across the entire world. There are so many children and young students that do not believe in themselves and unfortunately do not have anyone else that does either, which in turn triggers these individuals to fail in life.

Although Randy had some very far fetched dreams as a child, he was determined and driven enough to succeed at meeting all but two of those dreams. In Randy's video, he stressed how important the factor of believing in ones self is to achieving goals and dreams in life. He stated that obstacles will always be present so therefore you have to learn how to overcome them. "Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we won't something", Randy greatly stated. This last quote of Randy's is one of my favorites because I can honestly relate to the words he preaches here and understand exactly where he is coming from. There seems to always be something or someone trying to hold you back from fulfilling what you know in your heart you want. In my own personal life I can relate to the brick wall through the obstacles that have risen throughout my school years. My main goal in life has always been to succeed at becoming a college graduate and to receive the gratification of knowing I have achieved something no one can take away from me. In the road of attempting to achieve this personal goal of mine I have had to work harder than I ever imagined mentally and physically. There has been so many times when I felt I could not go another day and that I should just quite and get a "job"; however, I believed in myself and continued to push my way through the hard times. Throughout the process of achieving this long-term goal, no matter what or whom has attempted to stand in my way I have continued to push myself through the "brick wall".

Watching the video on how Randy Pausch was inspired to enable childhood dreams of others was absolutely breathe taking. It is so heart quenching to know that Randy himself has been dealt some of the worst cards imaginable yet continues to want to help others. I wish that there were more people in the world like Randy to spread the greatness of life and to let others see just how well they really have it made. In this particular video Randy expresses how he loves to inspire students of all ages to pursue their childhood dreams in whatever ways possible and to never think that they are impossible to achieve! Some of his teaching methods included learning how to work together, not just individually but to accomplish things within a team. There is no book learning with Randy, he says it is best to focus on people and to learn from each other rather than a single book. Randy stresses to always remember to teach students to always have fun no matter what! Decide if you are going to become a "Tigger" or an "Eeyor" your entire life. As future teachers we should always reflect on Randy Pausch and remember millions of kids learn more and harder things when the process is enjoyable; therefore Randy says to never lose your childlike wonder and to always be willing to help others for this rule will brings about great karma!

In the talk of "Lessons Learned", Randy emphasizes the importance of parents, mentors, and students. He revealed just how much his parents meant to him as a young child and what great qualities they indirectly instilled in him such as working in a dormitory in Ty land. He also spoke of how his parents did not get upset with him when he decorated his room by drawing all over the walls! I found this point very intriguing because I feel that today there are so many parents that do not allow their children to express themselves in ways such as painting and drawing which in turn hinders the child from believing in themselves. Randy spoke of mentors also becoming a major part of shaping the person he has became today. One of Randy's mentors let him know that arrogance limited your abilities. This comment given to Randy really sunk in and was never forgotten throughout Randy's days of maturing to an adult. This point leads to another one of Randy's teaching methods which is to always listen! When getting feedback learn to listen and appreciate instead of complaining or arguing. This particular method taught will allow an individual to succeed a great deal if chosen to follow. Randy also stressed that not only do we learn from parents and mentors,but we also can learn from our students. Always remember as a teacher that "loyalty is a two way street" and in order to receive loyalty from your students you too must become loyal to them as well. As an ending note to Randy Pausch's video "The Last Lecture", never ever give up your dreams!


  1. Hi Sabra.

    I really enjoyed Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. All that he was able to achieve throughout his life was quite impressive. He didn't let the "brick walls" stand in his way.

    As you have mentioned, Randy Pausch had some great teaching methods. He is a true role model for educators. I think that an important factor in his success was that he always had fun with whatever he was doing. This was a great video and well worth our time to watch.

    P.S. I really enjoyed reading your blog!

  2. Sabra,
    I really enjoyed reading your post about Randy Pausch. I enjoyed the video as well. It was long, but it was really interesting. You mentioned that his parents allowed him to paint his room. I found this part of the video interesting as well. It was so funny that he painted an elevator!! Great Post!!

  3. Randy Pausch's attitude and personality make him a great role model, especially for teachers who want to positively influence their students!
