Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blog Post #1

Hi everyone! My name is Sabra Gilley and I am a senior here at University of South Alabama. I grew up in a very small town known as Chatom, Alabama. It is the type of town where everyone knows everyone and for the most part has a close relationship to where you can ask anyone for help. My mom and dad have been happily married for 26 years and have two other children besides myself. I have a sister that is 25 and a brother that is 19. We are an extremely close family and hope to always remain that way. My mom opened a daycare and learning center in our home town about 10 years ago and that is when I fell in love with children. I have always worked there when I can and thoroughly enjoy teaching children to grow. I believe by working with children so much, I developed a thrive about myself to maybe one day be able to become some what of mentor to many children all over the world. I love helping others and trying to brighten the lives of kids who in some cases may not have such a grand life at home. Two of my most favorite past times are going to the beach or doing just about anything outdoors!
I have just turned 23 years old last Friday and am so ready to graduate college. I am in the early childhood program where I hope to graduate in the spring of 2013! I graduated high school in 2007 from Washington County High and started my college journey the following fall at a community college close to home known as Alabama Southern. In 2008 I transferred from the community college close to home to another community college in Tuscaloosa, Al known as Shelton State. Once finishing up all my basics I decided to transfer to the University of Southern Mississippi. I absolutely loved living and college life at USM; however, the out of state tuition was too much for me to handle so I decided to move back home to Alabama last fall and hopefully end my college journey here at the University of South Alabama.

When I wrote my first blog yesterday, the link was down to upload Randy Pausch's video on time management. I went back on today and was able to watch the video and absolutely loved it! Randy made some very important points on how to manage every precious second of ones life. I loved his quote, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." This quote is very true and could not have been said better to express how important it is to plan. This video was appealing to me by how Randy started off talking about conquering procrastination. I have always been guilty at procrastinating and I believe college life has helped me to conquer the horrible habit. Randy stated that one may create a to do list or set goals in order to help them become better at managing their time. I think Randy is 100% correct on all of his pointer to do with time management and hope to follow them throughout my course of EDM 310!

first day of edm practice post project #1

My name is Sabra Gilley and this is my first day in EDM 310!!!!!